Please carefully review the information contained in this notice.
Your physician has an ownership interest in the following provider:
The Surgery Center at Edgewater
2536 Lengers Way
Fort Mill, SC 29707
As an owner of The Surgery Center at Edgewater, your physician may benefit financially from all services provided at the facility.
You have the right to choose the provider of your health care services.
Therefor, you have the option to use a health care facility other than The Surgery Center at Edgewater.
You will not be treated differently if you choose to use a health care facility other than The Surgery Center at Edgewater. For more information about alternative providers, please ask your physician or any representative of The Surgery Center at Edgewater. We will provide you with the names and addresses of places best suited to your individual needs that are nearest to your home or place of work.
If you have any questions or concerns about this notice; feel free to ask your physician or any representative of The Surgery Center at Edgewater. We welcome you as an patient and value our relationship with you.
By reading this disclosure of Physician Ownership, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the foregoing notice and hereby understand that your physician has an ownership interest in The Surgery Center at Edgewater.
Carolina Surgery Center, LLC
D/B/A- The Surgery Center at Edgewater
The following have an ownership interest in The Surgery Center at Edgewater:
- MSV Health, INC
- Gaul Surgical Properties V, LLC (“GSP”)
- Dr. Ronald Singer
- Dr. Richard Gillespie, MD
- Dr. William Harris IV, DPM
- Dr. Oscar Kuruvilla, MC
- Dr. Barrett Little, MD
- Dr. William McClelland, MD
- Dr. Kevin Nusz, MD
- Dr. Scott O’Neal, MD
- Dr. Sami Oweida, MD
- Dr. Brandon Percival, MD
- Dr. Daron Smith, MD
- Dr. Benjamin Sutker, MD
- Dr. Brendan Tribble, Medical Director
- Jennifer Halverson, Administrator
- Russell McIlwain, Jr, OR Manager
- Melissa Crank, Pre/PACU Manager
- Lauren Pierce, Business Office Manager
Before and After Surgery
Important information for you before and after your surgery at Edgewater.
Patient Rights
Learn about the rights of the patient and the patient’s representative or surrogate.
Edgewater Partners
Disclosure of ownership and interests in The Surgery Center at Edgewater.